You Really Can’t Invest Like the 1% Unless you Are the 1%
Katie Nealis:
How can I invest like the 1%?
Tom Vaughan:
So what they’re talking about, I suppose, is the, you know, the, the, you know, the top 1% and net worth of Jeff Bezos, and what have you in the world? How do you invest like them? Well, I guess in all honesty, you know, you can’t actually to a certain degree, one of the things well, okay, I’ll give you one example of how you could, but one of the things that does happen for a very, very wealthy investor is they get, they get into different types of deals that you really can’t get into, you know, there might be a $25 million minimum or $100 million minimum or something along those lines, for some of these private equity things. And these are probably really interesting investments that have a fairly high degree of, of success, you’re getting in really early, but you’re talking, you know, kind of investment banking, and the venture capitalists and those types of things. And that’s, they’re kind of running in a different world, that you really can’t, you know, unless you’re already in that group, you really can’t get come up with that kind of money.
If you have $100 million to plunk into something, then you’re already pretty close. So, so one of the things that that might be an area that you could invest, like the 1% is think about it, these guys all started businesses, right, Elon Musk, and Bezos, and not all of them. Some people inherited their money, but an awful lot of the people that we know about, have in started a business. And, and so that’s one way you could invest like the top 1% is getting involved in a business in the startup of a business. And you know, hope that that works out and that you can, you know, kind of grow your wealth that way. That’s not the stock and bond market that we usually talk about, but it’s the only way I can think of that you can kind of, you know, rotate around as if you’re, you know, heading for that direction, but it has to be a heck of a successful business. To really get there. It’s not easy